As the most watched sporting event of the year in the United States and as one of the most lucrative advertising programs in the world, Super Bowl ad traffic has unimaginable reach and commercial value for large companies, with ads featuring a variety of themes such as: national, political, animal, sexual, etc. According to the Super Bowl advertising website, it contains 249 ads from the 10 brands that advertised the most in the Super Bowl from 2000 to 2021, with 16 fields which include links to each brand as well as information on length, estimated cost, YouTube statistics, TV viewers and seven each standard marked as "yes "Yes" or "No" for each criterion. With the help of visualisation tools, relevant data analysis and visualisation between the features and variables in this study, we can get a clearer picture of what audiences want, what they like and what kind of ads they prefer, and to a greater extent, create commercial value.
在以下的文本中, 将会介绍prompt和ChatGPT的入门教程. prompt是一种基于人工智能技术的文本生成工具,它可以为用户提供高质量的文本创作帮助。它可以用于各种应用场景,例如文章创作、简历撰写以及邮件写作等等。通过输入少量的文本,prompt可以继续生成完整的文章或者段落。 ChatGPT是一种基于自然语言处理技术的对话系统,它可以为用户提供类人的对话体验。它可以用于各种应用场景,例如客服、医疗健康以及社交聊天等等。通过输入用户的提问或者对话内容,ChatGPT可以给出相应的答案或建议。 因此,在本文中,我们将分别介绍prompt和ChatGPT的入门教程,以帮助您快速掌握这些强大的人工智能工具。